

An assessment is a collaborative clinical tool utilized by a mental health professional in determining a course for treatment. Assessments typically include the personal context of a client and the presenting issue, the goals, needs, and wants of a client concerning services, direction for a treatment plan, and a diagnosis.


Assessments are helpful because they can be a great tool to facilitate a working relationship between client and clinician. Additionally, they lead to an initial diagnosis necessary to bill insurance. They also can be used to validate and acquire health, work, and/or educational accommodations.


Your mental health professional commonly administers an assessment at the beginning of services. For example, additional assessments for workplace accommodations can be requested and conducted. These, too, are collaborative to ensure meeting the client's needs.

Formal Mental Health Assessment

A mental health assessment is usually conducted at the beginning of services. It's the framework for the direction of therapy. They're beneficial in determining the client's goals and identifying what is inhibiting those from becoming a reality. Rather than a generic interview of questions, mental health assessments are a fantastic opportunity to understand where a client is coming from and the context of their life. The goal of an assessment is to have the client and the clinician feels like they are on the same team working toward the betterment of the client.

Our clinicians are particularly skilled in conducting assessments for neurodivergent folx.

Workplace & School Accommodation Letter

For some people, the idea of being able to ask for the workplace or school accommodations is foreign. Since neurodiversity is a broad spectrum, everyone has different needs to help them succeed. If you feel you need help at work or school, you can ask for an accommodation letter from your counselor. We will review the writing process with you and help identify the accommodations best fit your needs.

Emotional Support Animal Letter

Animals are an important part of our lives and sometimes they are our grounding lifeline. If you need a letter to qualify your emotional support animal, check in with your clincian to get that taken care of.