What is a mental health assessment?

A mental health assessment is a clinical tool that involves a diagnostic interview and can provide a person with a formal mental health diagnosis and recommendations for further interventions. These assessments are completed by Master's and Doctorate level professionals.

If you struggle with work or school performance, getting a formal diagnosis will be necessary to request supportive services in the workplace or at school. Obtaining an official diagnosis can also be validating for your neuro-divergent experience.

Reasonable Accommodations

Multiple disability laws provide for “reasonable accommodations” for people with disabilities. If you have a neuro-divergent brain, you are likely eligible to receive support in your work/school settings. Our team of providers is familiar with these laws and can provide supporting documentation and advice about what accommodations would benefit you the most.

Emotional Support Animals

People with neuro-divergent brains often benefit from the comfort and companionship of emotional support animals. Many people need a recommendation letter from a licensed mental health provider so they can have access to these valuable companions in their homes and during travel. We can help with this documentation.

Please note that emotional support animals differ from service animals, specifically trained to provide their handler accessibility in public spaces. Emotional support animals are not typically not permitted in public spaces. Ask one of our coaches if you need more clarification.

Assessments & Accommodations


Community Support