perfectly timed, coincidentally meaningful

For many reasons, sometimes people find their lives "out of sync" or unmanageable.

Synchronicity utilizes different therapeutic approaches to help individuals find solutions for life’s challenges.

We specialize in working with people who have neurodivergent brains, including people with

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Sensory Integration Disorder

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Neurodivergent: describes a person whose brain develops or works differently.

  • "Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. Who can say what form of wiring will prove best at any given moment?"

    -Harvey Blume

  • "The world needs all kinds of minds"

    -Dr. Temple Grandin

  • "If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be"

    -Maya Angelou

  • "Autism is a spectrum, a rainbow of different shades and hues that thrive when they stand beautifully together"

    Dr. Devon Price, Unmasking Autism

You are different, so are we!

We believe people with neurodivergent brains need acceptance and supportive connections with helping professionals who understand what it is like to experience the world differently. We offer therapeutic services to help educate and support people to promote self-awareness, improve regulation within their body’s stress response system, increase overall life functioning, and maintain healthy social connections.

Our services are provided with a “coaching” approach. You are the expert of your own life, and we want to help you to identify what areas of life you want to improve, identify the skills you need, and provide emotional support and encouragement to your goals.

Life Management Solutions


Body-Mind Connections


There is nothing “wrong” with you.

If you identify as someone with a neurodivergent brain, you may have experienced social rejection for your differences. Due to these rejections and other challenges, you may have developed a belief system to change yourself so you can be more “typical.”

This approach does not provide true acceptance of yourself and the fantastic perspectives your unique brain can offer. We offer a healing space that accepts you as you are while supporting your desires for growth and change.

It starts with regulation…

The human nervous system is designed for survival. Our sensory systems collect information from the environment and send signals to the brain to alert us of danger or safety. The nervous system is attached to every major organ in the body. It provides response and regulation for the entire body. When our nervous system responds appropriately to the environment, we are “regulated”; when responding inappropriately, “dysregulated.”

People with neurodivergent brains often experience disruptions with the neurosensory parts of the brain, which can overload the nervous system. An overloaded nervous system can lead to many life disruptions, including chronic anxiety, insomnia, hyperactivity/cannot sit still, poor digestion, and high blood pressure.

There are many holistic approaches to addressing a dysregulated nervous system, including meditation/yoga and sensory integration. Combining these approaches with more traditional therapies is a practical approach to finding solutions for some of the challenges of a neurodivergent brain.